IRS reports your homeschool group needs to file every year

Your homeschool group should be filing some reports every year with the IRS. Did you know that?

IRS reports for homeschool groups

Your homeschool group should be filing some reports every year with the IRS. Did you know that?

Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, explains what forms homeschool groups should be filing with the IRS in this episode of the Dollars and Sense Show podcast.

Listen to the podcast here

In the podcast, Carol answers common questions from homeschool leaders such as:

  • We were told if our income is under $50,000 a year, we don’t have to file anything with the IRS. Is that true?
  • What changed? We never had to file anything with the IRS before!
  • But we’re not a 501c3 organizations (or don’t want to be), so why do we need to file anything with the IRS?
  • We don’t like government intervention. Why do we need to have anything to do with the IRS?
  • Our homeschool group doesn’t make any profit, so why do we have to file a tax return?
  • We’ve never filed anything with the IRS? We didn’t know we had to! Now what? Will be owe back taxes?

Here’s a helpful FAQ page explaining the IRS Form 990-N.

How to get added to the IRS database to file the Form 990-N.

If all this is new to you, don’t panic!

HomeschoolCPA’s Recommended Consultants can help advise homeschool organizations. These qualified, experts in homeschool groups offers consultations to homeschool leaders. Some of the consultants also help homeschool groups apply for 501c3 tax exempt status.

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  1. If our homeschool co-op operates under 501c(3), are all the fees paid by members tax deductible for them?

  2. No, the member fees are not tax deductible donations because the member received a service in exchange for those fees. If a member gives cash (or goods) above and beyond the membership fees (and receives nothing in return), then that cash is a tax deductible donation.

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