Congratulations on 501c3 status to another homeschool organization!

Two homeschool organizations received their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the IRS.
Two homeschool organizations received their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the IRS.
Two homeschool organizations received their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the IRS.
Many homeschool organizations may have members participating in their activities (co-op classes, filed trips, clubs, etc), but not have voting members of the corporation. Instead, they have a board that makes the decisions.
You'll find a collection of links on the Help for Homeschool Leaders board on Pinterest.
A homeschool leader wonders if his 501c3 organization can lobby against legislation harmful to homeschooling.
A homeschool leader wonders what to call a co-op teacher who is not hired by the co-op.
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