A homeschool group faced an unpleasant audit by the IRS for misclassifying their co-op teachers as independent contractors.
My article "Are support groups automatically tax exempt?" discusses the difference between homeschool co-ops and support groups in the eyes of the IRS and the benefits of being a support group!
A homeschool groups doesn't want to become a 501c3 organization. HomeschoolCPA Carol Topp offers alternatives.
Do small homeschool organizations need an annual audit? Maybe there is an alternative.
Two homeschool organizations received IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status!
Box Tops for Homeschoolers, The Fair Thing to Do
The Homeschool Business and Entrepreneur Directory™ is full of article on homeschooling and a huge directory of resources and entrepreneuers read to serve the homeschooling community!
Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) mentions several of my ebooks and articles on their Group Services webpage.
Homeschool support groups and the IRS
Who knew that geese could tell us so much about leadership?