Free or reduced tuition may be taxable compensation to your board members.
Your nonprofit organization may need to close an old EIN. Here's how.
Nonprofit organizations still have to pay payroll taxes
Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
Checklist for Homeschool Organizations Applying for Tax Exempt Status.
IRS lowers fees on Form 1023-EZ
A homeschool group can gather without needing to file reports with the IRS, but they will be limited.
A fundraiser can bring in so much income that it can jeopardize your 501c7 status because the fundraiser income exceeds 35% of total income.
There is a new website for filing the IRS ePostcard, Form 990-N
Hard working volunteers in a homeschool organization, who get a discount on tuition, could have to report and pay taxes on their "compensation."