US News contributor Andrew Bauld interviewed me about micro school or his article “What is a microschool?”
My contribution to the article was to offer my advice as a CPA to approach the endeavor of launching a micro school with caution.
Carol Topp has worked for years as an accountant for homeschool groups, and began seeing interest in microschools even before COVID-19. She advises interested parties to realize that they aren’t just starting a school but a business. And while the schools’ small size might make them initially attractive, that can also be their downfall.
“Microschools aren’t cheap. There are fewer students to spread the overheard,” she says, adding that many microschools fail because “they are too dependent on one or two families who have a few kids, and then a family moves and the school can’t afford their rent. It can be tenuous.”
The same is true of homeschool groups, isn’t it? It can be quite an undertaking!
There is a lot to consider when launching a homeschool co-op, hybrid, tutorial or other homeschool program. That’s why I launched HomeschoolCPA.com and offer blog posts, books, and webinars.