Is our homeschool group required to have a president?

It's almost impossible to properly run a homeschool group without someone in the role of chair/president

I recently purchased your ebook The IRS and Your Homeschool Organization. It is so helpful! I do have one question that I hope you can help me with. Are we required to have a president for our organization in Ohio? I see lots of websites saying that we do but not a word about it on any of the actual Ohio documents.

Thank you for your time.



Dear Ashley,

You asked, “Are we required to have a president for our organization in Ohio. I see lots of websites saying that we do but not a word about it on any of the actual Ohio documents.”

Well, not everything that is a good idea is a codified into a law or specifically spelled out in a document! Like brushing your teeth  for example! 🙂

This document from the Ohio attorney general’s office is helpful.
Guide for Charity Board Members

It explains that there are duties and responsibilities for board members such as the duty of care, duty of management and duty of compliance with stated laws.

If you can execute those duties without a president, then you do not have to have a president. But it is nearly impossible to properly run a nonprofit without someone in the role of chair/president calling meetings, setting an agenda, running the meetings, providing oversight, etc.

So why not have a president (or chair)?

Of course, all the board members are expected to help run the organization. The president should not do it alone. The best board presidents I have served under were good at delegating, listening, and leading, but not doing everything themselves. The worst presidents or board chairs are those who decide everything themselves and try to control too much. They burn out and sometimes damage the group and its activities for a very long time.

There may be some back story and history (or even a dispute) to your question, so if you’d like I would be happy to arrange a phone consultation with you.

If your homeschool program would like to arrange a phone consultation with Carol Topp, CPA contact her here. She is happy to arrange a conference call and each persona can call in form heir own home or location. The conversation can be recorded for those unable to attend.


Carol Topp, CPA

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