Carol Topp

Carol Topp

Homeschool mom, author and accountant. I enjoy helping homeschool leaders start and run their homeschool groups successfully.

Pandemic Pods: Are They Homeschool Co-ops?

Pandemic pods. I have been reading about groups of parents gathering to teach their children in small groups called “pandemic pods” because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sounds like a homeschool co-op, right? I’ve already had a few parents, teachers, and…

Is Our Homeschool Group a Church?

Carol, Our homeschool co-op would like a consultation with you. Our group is classified as a church in our state. Some of us feel that this is not the correct classification. While we have a religious purpose, offer a class…

A Decision Making Tool for Homeschool Leaders

Homeschool leaders are having a hard time planning for the future this summer (2020). There are concerns about member’s safety as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, parents needing support homeschooling, and new families considering homeschooling long-term. There are so many…