I’ve written several blog posts answering questions from Classical Conversations (CC) Directors regarding:
- Taxes for CC Directors and tutors
- Using church space
- Paying tutors as Independent Contractors or employees
- and more
Usually these issues affect CC Directors the most since they are the business owners that carry the responsibility and liability for operating a licensed CC Community that is compliant with local, state, and federal laws.
But sometimes the individual families in a CC Community are affected by these issues as well.

Homeschool blogger at As for Me and My Homestead, Jamie, wrote a blog posts titled, “Why My Family Left Classical Conversations.” In her post she outlines several reasons her family left CC after four years.
If you scroll to the end, she explains several business practices that she found concerning enough to make the decision to leave behind a group of homeschool families she deeply enjoyed and loved.
Through all the rest of this, I pushed the nagging, “something isn’t quite right” issues out of mind, and tried to focus on the positives. Fortunately for me, the person who brought the errata sheet to my attention also invited me to join a Facebook group where I learned more about Classical Conversations that went beyond the mistakes and poor curriculum.
Jamie writes about several issues that bothered her including:
- CC Corporate calling themselves (and the Directors’ businesses) a “ministry,” which can be misleading
- Communities (as for-profit business) using churches
- Misclassifying tutors as Independent Contractors
- CC Corporate and local Directors using teenagers and parents as volunteer labor
She calls these issues “the tip of the iceberg.”
It’s never easy to publicly criticize a homeschool program, especially if your friends are still enthusiastic about it.
Jamie ends her post with this wish:
My hope is that in reading this, other families will see that CC is a corporation that is not operating in a godly manner, while claiming the name of God, and will find out that they could do so much better with their money & time, than join a CC community.