Getting people to help in a co-op
Asked at the Facebook I am a Homeschool Group Leader page I just found out about One-by-One (a book on motivating members in a homeschool group), it sounds like JUST what I need, I’m excited to order it. It’s the…
New article on homeschool support groups and the IRS
Can we accept donations from Paypal and Google checkout
What is Unrelated Business Income Tax?
We’re not 501c3 and don’t want to be!
Where does a homeschool leader go for support?
Teaching Kids About Money radio interview
I’m being interviewed on The Sociable Homeschooler today (Friday July 22, 2011) at 9 am EST on teaching our kids about money and starting a micro business. Listen in at (titled “Worm Farms and More: Carol Topp,” dated 7-22-2011;…
Carnival of Homeschooling-One Thousand Gifts
This Carnival is dedicated to Kristen Fagala, wife of Paul and mother to 7 children, who passed away from a sudden brain aneurysm. She was an inspiration and encouragement to homeschool leaders. What a loss to all of us in…
Tragic loss
I am in shock at the sudden loss of my friend Kristen Fragala, wife of Paul and mother to 7 children, who went to be with the Lord yesterday after having a brain aneurysm. She wrote One By One: The…