How much money can a homeschool group keep year to year?
A homeschool leader asks about having a surplus in her support group's checking account.
A homeschool leader asks about having a surplus in her support group's checking account.
A homeschool support group leader asks if she should be giving gifts to speakers and board members.
A homeschool leader wants to start a co-op but needs to save up the money to apply for tax exempt status.
The Department of Labor is considering requiring businesses (and that would include nonprofits) to give every Independent contractor a "Right to Know" document explaining why they are not classified as employees.
A homeschool group is not yet ready to apply for 501c3 tax exempt status. What should they do now?
Denise Hyde of the Homeschool Group Leader blog shares how she dealt with the sting of criticism. has been selected for inclusion in The Accounting Degree Review's list of the Top
25 Accounting Blogs of 2012.
A teacher is wanting to start a program to help students with learning disabilities or medical conditions.
What should we do if we suspect child abuse in our homeschool group?
A homeschool leader paid workers but failed to file any forms with the IRS.