Homeschool Support Group asks: Am I doing everything legally?
A homeschool support group leader wonders if her group is doing everything legally.
A homeschool support group leader wonders if her group is doing everything legally.
The homeschool co-op decided to apply for tax exempt status with the IRS on their own. But unfortunately they ran into some snags.
Asked at the Facebook I am a Homeschool Group Leader page I just found out about One-by-One (a book on motivating members in a homeschool group), it sounds like JUST what I need, I’m excited to order it. It’s the…
My article "Are support groups automatically tax exempt?" discusses the difference between homeschool co-ops and support groups in the eyes of the IRS and the benefits of being a support group!
Can we accept donations from Paypal and Google checkout?
What is Unrelated Business Income Tax? Does it apply to homeschool organizations?
A homeschool groups doesn't want to become a 501c3 organization. HomeschoolCPA Carol Topp offers alternatives.
Where does a homeschool leaders go for support?
I’m being interviewed on The Sociable Homeschooler today (Friday July 22, 2011) at 9 am EST on teaching our kids about money and starting a micro business. Listen in at (titled “Worm Farms and More: Carol Topp,” dated 7-22-2011;…
This Carnival is dedicated to Kristen Fagala, wife of Paul and mother to 7 children, who passed away from a sudden brain aneurysm. She was an inspiration and encouragement to homeschool leaders. What a loss to all of us in…