Box Tops for Homeschoolers

Box Tops for Homeschoolers, The Fair Thing to Do

From the Homeschool Legal Advantage website

Box Tops for Homeschoolers….The Fair Thing to Do

The Christian Law Association’s Homeschool Legal Advantage program was contacted by a home school support group.

A major corporation was assisting schools to raise funds by collecting box tops that could be redeemed for cash.  The support group was initially informed that home schools could participate, but when they tried to redeem the items they had collected, they were told that in order to participate, a school  needed to be accredited.

After a number of phone calls from CLA’s attorneys, the corporation changed its rules.  They did the right thing. Homeschools are able to participate, just like everyone else.

That’s really what we fight for when we serve a homeschool family. We just want fairness.  We are not asking to be above the law or to have our own rules; but in terms of home school families they should be treated like everybody else.

Homeschooling for the foreseeable future – it’s going to continue to be a legal hot button, but the Christian Law Association is ready to serve your home school or Christian school at a moment’s notice.

Thanks to Homeschool Legal Advantage and their efforts to help homeschool groups!

My homeschool co-op has been using Box Tops as a fund raiser for quite awhile. I’m glad things were straightened out so that homeschool groups can continue to raise funds in this way!

Carol Topp, CPA


  1. I was wondering how I could redeem my boxtops,
    But I’m not in a homeschooling group, I’m just a
    Homeschooler, how can I redeem them?

  2. According to the BoxTops4Education Official Rules you must be a school or a recognized 501c3 tax exempt homeschool association in order for Box Tops to redeem your box tops. General Mills does not give check to individual families.
    I recommend you give the box tops you have to a school or 501c3 homeschool group.

    Carol Topp, CPA

  3. Thank you so much for your post about Box Tops. My homeschool group has 15 or more students in a class as it says in the qualifications, but when I apply to join, my group is not in the listed schools to choose from. Do you know how I can add my school so we can join Box Tops?

  4. I’m sorry I didn’t include this in my first comment, we are a homeschool group within our church.

  5. Your homeschool group is not a school, so maybe that’s why it’s not listed in the Box Top listing of schools. I think you need to apply as an nonprofit educational organization (not a school) to participate in Box Tops. Your homeschool group will also need to have 501c3 tax exempt status from the IRS to participate in the Box Tops program.
    Carol Topp, CPA

  6. I think you can use the church’s tax exempt status (instead of applying on your own with the IRS) and their EIN (Employer Id Number) when applying to the Box Tops program.

  7. Thank you so much! I have the information from our church and we will apply with BoxTops today! 🙂

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