Greetings, I’ve started a Classical Conversations Community in Washington state. To be able to host my community at my church, we were asked that we create a non-profit organization so I did. I created a separate non-profit banking account from my personal account, thankfully. Honestly all money that has gone out has been for supplies and Independent Contractor payments. Although, it would appear within the CC framework that I can pay myself, I’m unclear with the non-profit status if I actually should, so I have taken no stipend at all for my work.
Can I actually pay myself a small stipend to help off set my personal expenses?
Thank you for any and all help you might be able to offer. I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed with all of this.
Dear WA,
Last week I talked with another CC Director in Washington State who formed a nonprofit. Her situation sounds very similar to yours.
Both she and you seem to lack a board or team of leaders. You see, a nonprofit is not owned by anyone (unlike a for profit business which does have an owner). Nonprofit organizations are operated by a board or team of people. This board the hires and pays staff such as you, the Director, or the tutors.
So to answer your question: No, you cannot pay yourself. A board of people unrelated to you by marriage, blood or business relationship, must vote on what all workers get paid. That is how a nonprofit is very different from a for profit business.

My book Paying Workers in a Homeschool Organization explains how a CC nonprofit should be paying its Director and tutors (i..e, as employees not as Independent Contractors).
The book is available in paperback $9.95 or ebook format $3.99
You’ll find my latest ebook Business Q&A for CC Directors to be full of questions just like yours from CC Directors and my answers. There are so many issues to learn and understand when running a Classical Conversations Community. Get accurate information on running your business from a CPA who has consulted with dozens of CC Directors.
Ebook (pdf) format only: $10.00
I think you will find both books very helpful!