Necessity Leads New Homeschooler to Start a Homeschool Co-op


Homeschool mother Becky Abrams started homeschooling out of desperation. “By October homeschooling was a disaster!” she said. Her 3 sons were miserable and lonely, and Becky had a newborn and was lonely herself! She tells host Carol Topp how desperation and necessity drove Becky to start a homeschool field trip group and later launch a homeschool co-op–all as a brand new homeschooler herself!

In today’s podcast Carol Topp interviews homeschool leader Becky Abrams who started and leads a homeschool co-op in Oregon.   

In this episode of the HomeschoolCPA  (12 minutes) podcast Becky explains:

  • Why she started homeschooling her 3 sons
  • What drove her to start meeting other homeschool families
  • How she connected with other homeschool families as a new homeschooler
  • What she did when her sons needed to find friends

In the podcast Carol mentioned …

Homeschool Co-ops:
How to Start Them, Run Them and not Burn Out

Have you ever thought about starting a homeschool co-op like Becky did? Are you afraid it will be too much work? Do you think you’ll have to do it all by yourself? Starting a homeschool co-op can be easy! This book Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out will give you ideas, inspiration, tips, wisdom and the tools you need to start a homeschool co-op, run it and not burn out!

Click Here to request more information!

Carol Topp, CPA



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