The COVID-19 pandemic and the requirements to practice social distancing has meant that many homeschool groups can no longer meet face-to-face. How can homeschool groups stay connected during this time?
Carol Topp, the HomechoolCPA is joined on today’s podcast by Doreen Browning, co-moderator of the I am a Homeschool Group Leader Facebook group and Jamie Buckland, Classical Program Consultant.
Listen as Carol, Doreen and Jamie discuss:
- How we can enjoy and redeem this time of isolation and refocus on homeschooling and our families.
- How to encourage interactive communication, not just one-way communication.
- Tools to use to stay connected: some new and some very old school (mail and phones!)
- While we are having a health emergency, there is no educational emergency.
- Are we too dependent on our co-op classes and tutors?
- Encourage parents that they are equipped to homeschool their children without your wonderful group!
Join the Facebook group for homeschool leaders: I am a Homeschool Group Leader. 1200+ homeschool leaders offer ideas, encouragement and respectful exchange of ideas. https://www.facebook.com/groups/72534255742/

Webinar: Starting an Academic Homeschool Program
Are you interested in starting a homeschool program with a classical and academic focus? Jamie Buckland started Appalachian Classical Academy (ACA) after running a for-profit classical community. Now she is the Executive Director of ACA. She explains how ACA is set up with not one but two boards to run the Academy as a nonprofit organization!
Jaime and Carol teamed up to present a webinar on the ABCs of Starting an Academic Homeschool Program. You can benefit from their combined knowledge in this webinar (and you’ll get several helpful resources as well). http://homeschoolcpa.com/how-to-start-an-academic-homeschool-program/
Jamie Buckland, the Classical Program Consultant is available for phone consultations regarding starting and running a classical homeschool group. Contact her at https://jamiebuckland.net/