Homeschool or microschool?
A teacher has been asked by 15 families to homeschool their children. Is that a homeschool group or a microschool?
A teacher has been asked by 15 families to homeschool their children. Is that a homeschool group or a microschool?
The most common state reports that homeschool nonprofit organizations need to file.
Homeschool treasurers: before you prepare a financial statement for your board meeting you should reconcile your bank account! Why is reconciling bank accounts so important? Vickey Richardson of explains, I have discovered with my bookkeeping business that reconciling accounts…
A few creative ways to run a homeschool co-op without hiring employees or dealing with payroll.
Carol Topp, CPA the HomeschoolCPA has a few idea to help the IRS decrease erroneous automatic revocations.
Ways to thank your volunteers that are tax-free.
It's marvelous when a church adopts a homeschool group, but there are details to work out.
How should early deposits be recorded in a homeschool group's bookkeeping?
A podcast episode that explains the difference and why it matters how you classify your homeschool group's workers.
A podcast episode that explains the difference and why it matters how you classify your homeschool group's workers.