Tag leaders
Volunteer or donate plan in a homeschool co-op
Image by freepik Hi! I was wondering if my homeschool group can basically say, “In our homeschool co-op, we expect that every parent will volunteer at least 12 hours per semester per child. If you are unable to do so,…
Homeschool Board Duties
Do you have a passion to help homeschool leaders?
Is your homeschool group “just a bunch of moms”?
Homeschool leader stepping down: Who to notify?
Special Needs Children in a Homeschool Co-op
Special needs children can be a challenge for a homeschool group leader. In this episode (14 minutes), Faith Berens, Special Needs Consultant at the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) explains to host Carol Topp how a homeschool co-op can…
Working Yourself Out of a Job
Do you have too many plates spinning? Do you wear too many hats in running your homeschool program? Jamie Buckland, a homeschool leader from West Virginia started Appalachia Classical Academy and knows where you are coming from! In this…
Having Those Hard Conversations When You Lead a Homeschool Group
Ugh! As a homeschool leader, don’t you hate having those hard conversation with families, students of your staff? Jamie Buckland, a homeschool leader from West Virginia started Appalachia Classical Academy and understands having to deal with conflicts. In this…
Should You Pay Homeschool Teachers
Should your homeschool program pay teachers? Jamie Buckland, a homeschool leader from West Virginia started Appalachia Classical Academy and pays her teachers as employees. How and why would she do that? This podcast (19 minutes) will give you something…