Having Those Hard Conversations When You Lead a Homeschool Group


Ugh! As a homeschool leader, don’t you hate having those hard conversation with families, students of your staff? Jamie Buckland, a homeschool leader from West Virginia started Appalachia Classical Academy and understands having to deal with conflicts.  In this podcast (17 minutes), Jamie explains to host Carol Topp how she manages to deal with conflict in her group.

Jamie explains to host Carol Topp how she manages to deal with conflict in her group. Some of her advice includes:

  • Don’t ignore conflict
  • Do not generalize over a specific violation
  • Set clear expectations
  • Time your conversations.
  • Practice what you will say
  • Close the conversation.

Carol and Jamie both belong to a Facebook group for homeschool leaders, called I Am a Homeschool Group Leader Facebook Group. It is a closed group (meaning you have to request to join) of 600+ homeschool leaders from across the USA. You can join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/72534255742/

Carol and Jamie both belong to a Facebook group for homeschool leaders, called I Am a Homeschool Group Leader Facebook Group. It is a closed group (meaning you have to request to join) of 600+ homeschool leaders from across the USA. You can join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/72534255742/

Jamie is the owner of Classical Program Consultant a consulting service for homeschool leaders interested in launching a classical homeschool program. Her website is JamieBuckland.net.


Are you interested in starting a homeschool program like Jamie described? Jamie and Carol teamed up to give a webinar on the ABCs of Starting an Academic Homeschool Program.

You can benefit from their combined knowledge I this webinar (and several included resources as well). https://homeschoolcpa.com/how-to-start-an-academic-homeschool-program/


Carol Topp, CPA



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