Tragic loss

I am in shock at the sudden loss of my friend Kristen Fragala, wife of Paul and mother to 7 children, who went to be with the Lord yesterday after having a brain aneurysm.


She wrote One By One: The Homeschool Group Leader’s Guide to Motivating Your Members and was an inspiration and encouragement to homeschool leaders. What a loss to us all, especially her family.

Kristen was a wonderful, generous woman who wanted to share what she knew about leading a homeschool group with others.

She also ran a website and Facebook group for homeschool leaders. Offer your condolences here:

She will be greatly missed.

Carol Topp, CPA

P.S. If you would like to purchase Kristen’s book One by One (Ebook) just click here and I will donate all proceeds to her family.

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