Compare 501(c)(3) Charity to 501(c)(7) Social Club
Many homeschool organizations may qualify to be 501(c)(3) qualified charities with an educational purpose or 501(c)(7) Social Clubs.
Many homeschool organizations may qualify to be 501(c)(3) qualified charities with an educational purpose or 501(c)(7) Social Clubs.
Homeschool support groups and the IRS
Who knew that geese could tell us so much about leadership?
More nonprofits can file the easy Form 990N
Can homeschoolers take the educator expense tax deduction?
Homeschooling as a home-based business
The duties of a secretary in a homeschool group
I have just uploaded an article I wrote for The Old Schoolhouse magazine titled Easy Fund Raisers for Homeschool Groups. The articles covers several ideas for easy fund raisers.
Do liability waivers really protect homeschool leaders?
Having a board can help avoid leader burn out.