UPDATE: This podcast episode originally aired in 2015. But it is still accurate and helpful in 2021, 6 years later!
In this episode of the Dollars and Sense Show podcast, host Carol Topp continues her topic “Who’s Afraid of the IRS?” and discusses how the IRS sees homeschool co-ops, nonprofit incorporation, for-profit homeschool groups, and what happen when a nonporift loses its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
Listen to the first part of this presentation where Carol discussed homeschool support groups as IRS 501(c)(7) Social Clubs and co-ops as 501c3 Educational organizations.
Get a copy of the handout.
More information
Carol mentioned the article “Do You Know About IRS Required Filings for Homeschool Organizations?” Get it here.
Carol’s book, The IRS and Your Homeschool Organization, is available here.