Where to find the Taxes for CC Directors ebook

The ebook Taxes for CC Licensed Directors is now available

Here’s how to find my ebook Taxes for Licensed Classical Conversations Directors.
The link is in an updated version of the Director’s Licensing Guide (DLG) on page 54.
At the end of a paragraph on that page, there is a sentence saying for more information see Appendix M and “this document,” which is the link to the ebook. 
Appendix M is a letter from Robert Bortins talking about the book. The title of the book is not mentioned, except if you click the little blue “this document” link you will see the book itself.
Please help out your fellow CC Directors and point them to the Directors Licensing Guide (DLG) page 54, Appendix M and click on “this document.” 
If you cannot find Appendix M, or the “this document” link” doesn’t take you to the ebook, you may have an older version of your DLG. Please ask you Support Rep for the most recent version of your DLG.


Why can’t I get the ebook from Carol Topp, CPA, the author?
Unfortunately, I cannot distribute the ebook myself. My contract with Classical Conversations states that only CC may distribute the book. I am so sorry that it seems to be difficult for many of you to find.


What if I messed up my taxes?
If you read the ebook and believe you have made an error in filing your tax return, please consult a tax professional. If you prepared your tax return yourself, please contact a local tax professional to help you amend your tax return. It’s a confusing and complicated process to amend a tax return so I don’t recommend you doing it yourself. How to find a local tax professional

If you cannot find the Taxes for Licensed CC Directors ebook, I recommend you consider purchasing the Taxes for Homeschool Business Owners instead.

One comment

  1. Thank you so much for your work, Carol. I read your document and I very much appreciate it.

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