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Support Group Idea: Homeschool and Working Mom
Over at the Pioneer Woman, Heather Sanders shares a wonderful idea for a support group meeting: Work and Homeschool Lots of homeschool moms homeschool and work, some outside the home and some run their own-home-based businesses. I have run…
Planning a Support Group Meeting
Over at The PioneerWoman, Heather L. Sanders shares a blog post with her 6 suggestions for someone planning a support group meeting, especially one that focuses on work and homeschooling. Work and Homeschool? – Planning a Support Meeting The following…
Homeschool Segue: Homeschool Event Management
Co-op burnout? Try a hybrid class
Practical Homeschool magazine shares an article written by homeschool mom and co-op teacher, Linda M. Burklin. Hybrid Homeschool Classes Linda loved teaching English Literature and Composition at her homeschool co-op, but found that managing her own seven children and…
New feature for blog posts
I’ve been blogging here at for about four years. There’s over 200 blog posts here, most of them questions from homeschool leaders. I frequently receive a question and think, “I’ve answered that question before…where it is on my blog?”…
Can homeschoolers take the $250 educator tax credit?
Unplug the Christmas machine
About 18 years ago, I read Unplug the Christmas Machine by Jo Robinson and Jean Staeheli. It changed the way I see and celebrate Christmas. I created a mini ebook to share what I learned about having a…